Archive and Territory in Dialogue. Statements of Resistance in Reunión: Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu (2019) by Dani Zelko



discursive genre, Mikhail Bakhtin, archive, territory, Dani Zelko


This article analyzes how traditional discourses that construct the archive of the Argentine nation-state are challenged by statements and discursive genres that incorporate ecosystemic and ancestral perspectives of Indigenous peoples.

This approach is based on the reading of Reunión: Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu (2019) by Dani Zelko, who creates his work by listening to the testimonies of members of the Mapuche people.

Using Bakhtinian theory on discursive genres and the notion of Great Time, this paper argues that the colonial archive and Mapuche narratives configure a complex dialogue.

This connection occurs not only between official and ancestral discourse but also introduces a perspective in which Mapuche cosmology considers natural objects and elements not as mere inert entities but as bodies with agency. This dialogic relationship challenges the anthropocentric ontology that places humans at the center of the sciences.


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Academic Articles – Thematic Dossier

How to Cite

Luna, A. M. J. (2025). Archive and Territory in Dialogue. Statements of Resistance in Reunión: Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu (2019) by Dani Zelko. Polifónicxs, 1(1), 42-51.

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