About the Journal

Polémicas Feministas is an open access journal edited by the Feminisms, Gender and Sexualities Area (FemGeS) of the Research Centre "María Saleme de Burnichon" of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (CIFFYH) of the National University of Córdoba (UNC).

Since 2024 it has been published every six months and articles are received throughout the year.

Polémicas Feministas aims to be a journal for the dissemination and discussion of the contributions and transformations that gender studies, queer studies and feminisms have produced and continue to produce in contemporary thought. At the same time, it aims to be a platform for the critical construction of knowledge in these fields, as well as a communication tool that links the different academic, political and social fields where this knowledge and practices are constructed.



Se prorroga el envío de producciones a la convocatoria al Dossier del Volumen 9 (2025): “¿Todavía importa el trabajo? Transformaciones laborales, experiencias organizativas y resistencias feministas en el neoliberalismo
Esperamos tus producciones HASTA EL 31/10/2024   La convocatoria permanece abierta de forma permanente a todas las demás secciones: Homenajes, Producción de saber(es) desde el arte, Investigaciones Incipientes, Escritura Colectiva, Entrevistas, Traducciones, Reseñas, Ensayos y Artículos Libres.  Read more about PRÓRROGA de POLÉMICAS FEMINISTAS

Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 1 (2025): Does work still matter? Labour transformations, organisational experiences and feminist resistances in neoliberalism
					View Vol. 9 No. 1 (2025): Does work still matter? Labour transformations, organisational experiences and feminist resistances in neoliberalism

In the context of the hegemony of financialised capitalism at the global level, based on the exploitation of accelerated technological development and the plundering of territories and subordinate populations, labour markets - as well as the forms, meanings and conflicts that shape the so-called ‘world of work’ today - present new features. In Argentina, the persistence of gaps and segmentations exposes the structural nature of labour inequality, in which gender is an unavoidable dimension. At the same time, flexibility, automation, individualisation and the implementation of new control mechanisms are consolidated as central features of contemporary work, and have an impact on workers' regulations, experiences, meanings, forms of organisation and collective action. From the theoretical multiplicity of feminisms, in this dossier we aspire to question, rethink and debate the transformations of labour and the forms of workers' exercise of collective power in the face of the imperative of capitalist accumulation.

Published: 2025-01-31
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