Bronchopulmonary sarcoidosis. Brief review and description de 8 cases


  • H Cambursano Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.
  • A Casaux Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.
  • M Langer Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.
  • L Paramio Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.
  • G Sarquis Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.
  • A Zaya Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.
  • R Sambuelli Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.




Sarcoidosis is a disease of unknown etiology aífecting most frequently young adults.  Diagnosis is based on clinical, radiological and histopathological features and presentation  is frequently of constitutional and respiratory symptoms, hilar and mediastinal  adenopathies, with or without parenquimal involvement. Confirmation is histopathological  with demonstration of non-caseificating granulomas in affected organs, with negative  cultures for mycobacteria and fungi. We describe the clínica], radiological and  istopathological findings in 8 patients. Mean age was 44 years (28-59) and haif the patients  were maje. 'T\vo patients were symptom-free at diagnosis, thoracic findings were present in  five (cough, retroesternal pain and arrhythmias) and one had extrathoracic symptoms (ankle arthritis). All showed mediastinal adenopathies In radiological and tomographic images (six  were in stage 2 and Iwo in stage 1). TWo patients had spontaneous remission, four received  oral sterolds, one required oral sterolds and azathioprine and there was no treatment data on  one patient. In one patient, recidiva of severe and bilateral erithema nodosum required long  terrn treatment with steroids and immunosupressors. Although sarcoidosis is a low  revalent  disease in our country, a hlgh index of suspicion is advisable when facing patients with respiratory symptoms, parenquimal involvement and mediastinal adenopathies, with or  without extrathoracic  manifestatlons.


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Author Biographies

H Cambursano, Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.


A Casaux, Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.


M Langer, Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.


L Paramio, Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.

Medicina Familiar

G Sarquis, Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.

Cirug{ia de Tórax

A Zaya, Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.

Anatomía Patológica

R Sambuelli, Hospital Rawson - Instituto de Medicina Respiratoria Dr. Lázaro Langer.

Anatomía Patológica


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How to Cite

Cambursano H, Casaux A, Langer M, Paramio L, Sarquis G, Zaya A, Sambuelli R. Bronchopulmonary sarcoidosis. Brief review and description de 8 cases. Rev Fac Cien Med Univ Nac Cordoba [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 15 [cited 2024 Jul. 6];63(3):24-35. Available from:



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