Wastelands and bodies in the open of Argentine literature

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Lucía Caminada Rossetti


In this article, we propose to study corporality from narratives produced and enunciated from feminisms and sexual disobediences of the present in two literary works: Chicas muertas (2014) by Selva Almada and Los Topos (2015) by Félix Bruzzone. For this, the objective is to analyze the configuration of the wasteland space where violent and exterminating practices are exercised such as femicide and transvesticide that in these writings operate as crucial facts that are placed at the center of aesthetic-political and social debate. These practices of interruption that occur in an outdoor space, are linked to death and abuse, having a strong impact on aesthetics and criticism that involve affections and destroy becoming. The methodology for understanding contemporary subjectivity posed what these two literary narratives represent, contemplates the approach of Néstor Perlongher on minority becoming and also the proposal of the feminist philosopher Rosi Braidotti who starts from the theoretical lines formulated by Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Luce Irigaray to support the importance of the so-called libidinal economy of the subject and theories of nomadism, corporality and feminisms. The contribution of this analysis allows to open horizons of reflection around contemporary corporal and scriptural practices enunciated from the south, giving innovative perspectives on critical positions and new feminist contributions and sexual disobediences contemplating the wasteland space as the privileged space to place the transvestite and feminine body face to the helplessness feeling.


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How to Cite
Caminada Rossetti, L. (2023). Wastelands and bodies in the open of Argentine literature. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1–16. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/41667
Author Biography

Lucía Caminada Rossetti, Universidad Nacional del Nordeste

Lucía Caminada is Full Professor of Argentine Literature II at the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Postdoctoral fellow at IDH-UNC and IIGHI/IUNNE-CONICET, she repatriated with the Raíces program in 2016. Director of the Science and Technique project Manifestations and narratives in Argentina: literatures and cultures. Phd in Cultural Studies in Literary Interzones at Università degli Studi di Bergamo; Universidade Federal Fluminense and Université Paris X. Master Crossways in Literary Narratives and Humanities at Santiago de Compostela, Université de Perpignan Via-Domitia and Università degli Studi di Bergamo, as Visiting Professor she gave seminars and courses in India, Italy, Spain and France. Author of La mirada dislocada. Literatura, imagen, territorios, Prometeo,Caba,2020, Literatura impenetrable(dir Eudene 2021) and Políticas y narrativas del cuerpo together with Fernando Gonçalves, published in 2022 Ceneri Rosse/Eudene.


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