Strategies of feminisms and sexual dissidence for an unruly south

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María Laura Gutiérrez
María Angélica Vega
Sandra Mutal
Costuras Urbanas


The dossier explores political and aesthetic practices of feminisms and sexual dissidents from the South, bringing different artists, academics, and activists from different locations into dialogue, coattaching locus of enunciation ranging from the north of Chaco or the Entre Rios coast to the southern province of Neuquén or from the coastal city of Mar del Plata to the Mendoza mountain range, passing through the Córdoba, Rosario, La Plata, Buenos Aires power plants, as well as receiving works produced from Santiago de Chile or São Paulo in Brazil.


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How to Cite
Gutiérrez, M. L., Vega, M. A., Mutal, S., & Urbanas, C. (2023). Strategies of feminisms and sexual dissidence for an unruly south. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1–9. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

María Laura Gutiérrez, Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos. CONICET

She holds a PhD in social sciences from the UBA and is a lesbian feminist activist. She currently teaches undergraduate (UADER) and graduate (UNSAM-UNCuyo) and is an assistant researcher for CONICET at the National University of Entre Ríos (UNER). Her work addresses the intersections between sexual disobedience movements and feminisms with artistic and cultural practices and contemporary political theory and has been published in national and international journals. She is a member of the Art, Culture and Politics Group directed by Ana Longoni and co-directed by Cora Gamarnik (IIGG-UBA) and the Family, Gender and Subjectivities Studies Group (UNMdP). In 2022 she published the book Imágenes de lo posible. A discontinuous genealogy of lesbian and feminist interventions in Argentina.

María Angélica Vega, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

She is a PhD in Literature, head of practical work in the subjects Introduction to Literature and Theory of Social Discourses I of the School of Letters of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Cordoba (FFYH.UNC). She worked as assistant professor in charge of Panoramas and contexts of aesthetic trends at the National University of La Pampa (UNLPAM). She published Construcciones discursivas de la revolución: entre formaciones discursivas de pre-dictadura y ficciones de post-dictadura (2022) and No vayas a la escuela porque San Martín te espera (2023). She directs the research team "Materiales estéticos y críticos recientes del sur en revueltas desde perspectivas feministas y descoloniales" based at the Centro de Investigación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (CIFFYH.UNC). She is a union delegate of Letters in the union of university teachers and researchers of Córdoba (ADIUC).


Sandra Mutal, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Artes

She graduated from the Escuela Provincial de Bellas Artes Dr. Figueroa Alcorta and from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba with a degree in Printmaking (UNC). She teaches at the Department of Visual Arts of the Faculty of Arts of the UNC. She develops research and extension projects in that institution. She was Undersecretary of Culture of the UNC; Director of the Department of Visual Arts of the Faculty of Arts of the UNC and Deputy Secretary of the union of university teachers of Córdoba (ADIUC). She has organized events of reflective artistic practice such as Intervention /Installation with the artist Juan Carlos Romero "41 years after the anniversary of the Trelew massacre"; "Art and Politics", Postgraduate Course (Prof. Ana Longoni and Luis García); University teachers' union ADIUC; "The radical political imagination", Seminar workshop given by Marcelo Expósito (Spain); Conference by Dr. Anna María Guasch (Spain) "The memory of the "Other"; in the era of the global". She is a member of artist collectives: from 1997 to 2000 Costuras Urbanas; from 2001 to 2018, the group Urbomaquia; from 2012 to the present the collective Bordamos por la Paz Córdoba; in 2022 Las Bío Diversas. She researches, works and defines her artistic production as "experiences of action and resistance as a response to so much violence", accompanying different moments of struggle in Argentina, where individual and collective disputes that confront the dominant ideology are put into play. He proposes a way of doing where the process of creation, its relationships, and its modes of circulation play a role. He thinks of the artistic experience as a situated practice. His work retakes the Benjaminian concept of montage through which new ties and meanings are built, directing the artistic action to question the social fabric. He has participated in numerous exhibitions/interventions at local, national and international level and his work is reflected in books, media, documentaries and social networks.


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