Arde Córdoba A collective cry to denounce the ecocide in Córdoba

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María Marcela Yaya Aguilar
María Agustina Piumetto


In a beautiful text about the passenger pigeon Vinciane Despret invites to her readers to think about what names evoke, what names make us sensitive to. In the same way this article offers an alternative, among many possible ones, about what Arde Córdoba suggests and makes feel. We propose a story composed of visual and textual records and some theoretical readings to reflect the power and limits of that experience.

Arde Córdoba is the name of a group, an action, a reality, an experience. Arde Córdoba is the name of an attempt to dispute what we can imagine and do after the devastating fire, not only the way of naming the catastrophe. From july to october 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, a series of forest fires affected more than 300,000 hectares in the province of Córdoba. The native forest burned and the devastation wasn't natural, it was political-economic-financial and had media coverage. In this context a series of artists, researchers, activists and citizens in general agreed to promote a collective cry that would forcefully make visible the ecocide we were suffering.

In front to restrictions of movement and organization of meetings, we composed other forms of intervention in public space. The nets we weaved, and their power, allowed us to do a proyectorazo to make visible the flames in the forests and the pain of the communities. If the provincial State dedicated itself to preparing the ground for real estate, mining and agro-industrial extractivism, from Arde Córdoba we seek to promote another narrative, another way to continuing with the trouble (Haraway, 2019). Nothing was more fertile than a devastated territory, turning the mountain into devastated land, a tabula rasa to install something else. We try to prevent this devastation proposing another map and we shout loudly: ¡Donde hay cenizas, habrá monte! ¡Donde hubo incendios, habrá bosques!


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How to Cite
Yaya Aguilar, M. M. ., & Piumetto, M. A. . (2022). Arde Córdoba A collective cry to denounce the ecocide in Córdoba. Heterotopías, 5(9), 1–13. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

María Marcela Yaya Aguilar, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

María Marcela Yaya Aguilar has a degree in Film and TV. Technical Producer in Audiovisual Media from the Faculty of Arts (FA) of the National University of Córdoba (UNC). She is currently a student of the postgraduate course "Specialization in Processes and Practices of Contemporary Artistic Production" at the FA/UNC. She is in charge of the Filmmaking course of the 4th year (Plan 1987) of the BA in Film and TV at the FA-UNC and teacher of the Editing I and II courses of the 2nd and 3rd year of the BA in Film and Audiovisual Arts (Plan 2019). Member of the Editorial Team of the Artilugio Magazine of the Centro de Investigación y Producción en Artes (CEPIA-FA-UNC). She is a member of the research team led by Dr. Siragusa "Travesías por la audiovisualidad de Córdoba: El espacio y los espacios (2010-2020)". Category Consolidar 2018/2023 (SECYT-UNC-FA Grant). She is part of the research team, led by Prof. Alicia Cáceres "El oficio del montaje. Cartography of creative processes between editors and directors of local cinematography" within the framework of the artistic research projects CEPIABIERTO 2018/2021. Member of the Commission for the implementation and monitoring of the new curriculum of the degree in Film and Audiovisual Arts. She was the academic coordinator of the Virtual Environment of the Program to Support Graduation (PAMEG) of the FA-UNC (2017/2019). She is an advisor and member of TFC tribunals of the Film and TV Department (FA/UNC), which allows her to be in continuous contact with emerging audiovisual productions from Córdoba. Member of DivAC (Diverses Audiovisuales Córdoba), an audiovisual feminist activist collective for the labor rights of equality and gender equity in the audiovisual community in Córdoba and nationwide. Member of FAFF (Federal Feminist Audiovisual Front). Currently, she is making a documentary series about women and the LGTTTINBQA+ collective, who made and make history in the neighborhoods Alberdi, Alto Alberdi, Villa Páez and Marechal, in the framework of the Extension Project together with neighbors of the Red Pueblo Alberdi, Neighborhood Centers of Villa Páez, Alberdi, Alto Alberdi, the Sec. de Extensión FA/UNC and partners of the FCS/UNC, Red Feminista de Alberdi, Biblioteca Popular Casa del Pueblo and DivAC. Co-organizer together with DIVAC of "El detonar preciso. Encuentro Audiovisual Feminista" (2018/2022). Director of the Extension Projects winners of BECA SEU-UNC: Projects of Management of Artistic and Cultural Activities (PGAAC) CAP 1, entitled: PUEBLO ALBERDI: women and diverse identities in struggle, powerful women who made and make history (2020) and of the Extension Pgm. Thematic area: Feminism, gender and gender diversity, CAP 2, project entitled RED PUEBLO ALBERDI: activism and care networks driven by women and gender diversity during the pandemic / post-pandemic (2021). Member of the winning project of the Fondo Nacional de las Artes, pilot chapter of the same series (2021). She has worked in the areas of Direction, Actress-actors Direction, Assistant Direction, Script, Script Correction/Advising, Camera and Editing, in several AV productions, fiction, documentaries, video-performance, web series and TV. She has participated as a member of juries in national and international festivals.

María Agustina Piumetto, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Agustina Piumetto is a Photographer (CEF) and holds a degree in International Relations (UCC). She is currently studying a master's degree in Technology, Policies and Cultures (CEA-UNC) and a fellow of the Secretariat of Science and Technology of the National University of Córdoba (Resolution HCS No. 856/2017. Subject: Photographic technopoetics in Argentina. Place of work: Faculty of Social Sciences). Since 2019 she is part of the Program of Studies in Political Theory (CIECS-CONICET), actively participating in the project Arqueologías del Porvenir (


Guzmán Arroyo, A. (2019). Descolonizar la Memoria, Descolonizar los Feminismos. La Paz: Tarpuna Muya.

Haraway, D. (2019). Seguir con el problema. Generar parentesco en el Chthuluceno. Bilbao: Consoni.