From the rhythm of the phantom philosopher to a ruthmanalysis with the dead

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Salomé Lopes Coelho


The traces of Lúcio Pinheiro dos Santos, Portuguese mathematician and philosopher who became known as the ghost philosopher, are faint, mainly because his work has vanished in a bonfire in front of the Municipal Chamber of Lisbon. However, the few vestiges that could be found are forceful, and in them lies the possibility of creating a new scientific field, Rhythmanalysis. The one who suggests it is Henri Lefebvre, who sees rhythm not just as an object of analysis, but as a tool for listening to the temporalities and rhythmic disruptions in which human activities take place. In this article, I will focus on Henri Lefebvre’s proposal and on contributing to add complexity to the conceptualisation and practice of rhythmanalysis. These contributions, resulting both from the uses of the methodology I developed, and from critical theorizations of the Eurocentric conception of modernity, cradle of the rhythmanalitic proposal, are grouped under the designation Rhuthmanalysis. The displacement of the name consists in a linguistic and conceptual detour, thus seeking to expand the analysis of rhythms beyond the human. From the ghost to the dead, what I aim to propose is a “wanderer rhuthmanalysis” and, at the same time, still (and perhaps always) ongoing.


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How to Cite
Lopes Coelho, S. (2021). From the rhythm of the phantom philosopher to a ruthmanalysis with the dead. Heterotopías, 4(8), 1–22. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Salomé Lopes Coelho, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires


Salomé Lopes Coelho holds a PhD in Artistic Studies - Art and Mediations, from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, NOVA University of Lisbon (FCT scholarship holder - Government of Portugal), with the thesis El gesto de la travesia y el contacto con el ritmo vital. Pervivencias del ekstasis en el cine. She concluded her Master's degree in Philosophy-Esthetics, at the same university and at the Sorbonne-Paris IV, with a research on the cinema of Agnès Varda and the philosophy of Jacques Rancière. He teaches the course "Rhythm and Art: introduction to rutmanálisis", at the Universidad Nacional de las Artes de Buenos Aires. His recent publications include the chapter "From the balcony to Caminito: an ongoing rhuthmanalysis", in the volume Rhythmanalysis. Research in urban sociology, edited by Dawn Lyon (2021), and the edition, together with Aníbal N. Zorrilla, of Aesthetics and Politics of Rhythm (2020). He is currently developing his research in the area of aesthetics, with a special focus on the cosmopolitics of the image and ecocinematographies.


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Agradezco a Manuel Ignacio Moyano por la revisión del español (no incluye los posibles errores de esta frase)