Nightmare machines. Living on the borders.

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Silvia N. Barei


Global warming has unleashed a maelstrom of high temperatures, mega-droughts, catastrophic floods, polluted rivers and acidified oceans. Due to this, millions of people are forced to leave their territories haunted by hunger and lack of opportunities.Then there are wars, drug trafficking and the multiple forms of violence. This text aims to think about migrant movements mainly in Latin America and the way in which the languages of contemporary art account for them (fotographs, cinema, installations, performances, popular art). Linked to the Lotmanian concept of Semiosphere, we will take the theoretical category of Border, its discussions and its possibilities of reflection on current problems.


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How to Cite
Barei, S. N. . (2021). Nightmare machines. Living on the borders. Heterotopías, 4(8), 1–16. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Silvia N. Barei, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Silvia N. Barei. She lives in Córdoba. She holds a Ph.D. in Literature and is a writer. She teaches postgraduate courses at the Universidad Nacional, has published numerous theoretical books in her specialty (Teoria literaria and Teorías de la cultura), seven books of poems, and actively participates in national and international congresses and conferences and in the cultural life of Córdoba. She has been Dean of the Faculty of Languages (2008-2013) and Vice-Chancellor of the National University (2013-2016).



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