Timelines, reading laps, suspended bodies

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Nora Domínguez


This work analyzes literary texts by the writers Cristina Peri Rossi (Indicios pánicos (1970) and “Rumores” (1988) and Fernanda Trías (Mugre rosa, 2021) whose plots are set in different historical times (the Uruguayan dictatorship, Europe prior to the fall of the Wall and a possible biological catastrophe) It is not about recovering any linearity of meaning between these events, but rather thinking about how fictions offer different strategies to think about their present and the conflicts that arise from there to imagine other forms of life. These writings reveal that times return in the form of national and global catastrophes and mark bodies, their modes of relationship, the nature of their stories. In this sense, they are closed worlds where the possibilities of escape and change are almost nulls. In different contexts of social catastrophe the self or the different enunciative instances, go through forms of instability and insecurity that are the precarious figures of contemporary subjectivities. Vulnerability and fear function as affective policies deployed in different tones and material conditions as undoubted marks of those presents and they can only be captured in their fissures. Also as traces or ruins that the modes of writing configure and transit to account for those political and human conditions in undoubtedly upset times that question not only the successions and linearities but the relational regime of past, present and future.

The aesthetic proposals of Peri Rossi and Trías, distant but lucidly immersed writings in those spaces, build closed universes fully out of tune with their times in which panic, danger, economic and social insecurity predominate, like wounds of an exhausted humanity



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How to Cite
Domínguez, N. . (2021). Timelines, reading laps, suspended bodies. Heterotopías, 4(7), 1–14. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/33704
Author Biography

Nora Domínguez, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras - UBA

Nora Domínguez holds a PhD in Literature and is a Consulting Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Literature, UBA. She was Director of the Interdisciplinary Institute of Gender Studies from 2010-2017. In 2008 she received a Guggenheim Fellowship. She acted as visiting professor in different national universities in Argentina (Córdoba, Tucumán, Rosario, La Plata) and abroad (Duke University, University of Chile, University of Leiden, University of Toulouse, several in Spain: Autónoma de Barcelona, La Coruña, Oviedo, Granada, Valencia), Hebrew University of Jerusalem). She published De donde vienen los niños. Maternidad y escritura en la cultura argentina (2007) and in 2021 she will publish El revés del rostro. Figuras de la exterioridad en la cultura argentina. Together with Carmen Perilli, she edited Fábulas del género. Literatura y sexualidad en América Latina (1998), with Ana Amado Lazos de familia. Herencias, cuerpos, ficciones (2004), with Adriana Astutti Promesas de tinta: 10 ensayos sobre Norah Lange (2010), and La ronda y el antifaz. Lecturas críticas sobre Silvina Ocampo (2009, co-edited with Adriana Mancini). She is currently co-director of Historia feminista de la literatura argentina, a multi-volume collective project whose first title was published in 2020.



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