Postcolonial excavations: about an archaeology of the miscegenation

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Catalina Sánchez


About Archaeology of miscegenation. Colonialism and racialisation by Laura Catelli


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Sánchez, C. (2021). Postcolonial excavations: about an archaeology of the miscegenation. Heterotopías, 4(7), 1–8. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Catalina Sánchez, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades -Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Catalina Sánchez has a degree in Literature from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. She is currently a doctoral fellow at CONICET and is studying for her PhD in Literature at the same institution. Since 2012 she has been a member of the Grupo de Estudios sobre Narrativas Bolivianas and is part of the research project "La escritura como gesto estético y político. Poetic divergences in Bolivian literature of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries" based at the CIFFyH-UNC. She is interested in exploring the epistemological problem of the image in relation to writing within the framework of visual studies and critical theories of colonialism.


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