Shelter in no place

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Adriana Boria
Agustina Ruiz Bellingeri


About: Arnés l., Domínguez, N. and Punte M. J. (2020). Feminist history of Argentine literature. En la intemperie. Poéticas de la fragilidad y la revuelta. Villa María: Eduvim.


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How to Cite
Boria, A., & Ruiz Bellingeri , A. . (2021). Shelter in no place. Heterotopías, 4(7), 1–6. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Adriana Boria, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades -Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Adriana Boria has a degree in Modern Literature, a Master's degree in Sociosemiotics and a PhD in Literature from the National University of Córdoba, Argentina.

She has been a university lecturer since 1986, having held the chairs of Literary Theory and the Social Discourse Programme at the National University of Córdoba.

She is Full Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, School of Modern Letters in the Chair of Literary Theory.

She is also Director of the Gender Studies Programme and Director of the PhD in Gender Studies (CEA, UNC).

She has published in journals on topics related to Semiotics, Literary Theory and Gender.

She has participated as a panelist and speaker at numerous national and international conferences.

She specialises in social languages, gender and sexualities from a cultural theory perspective.


Agustina Ruiz Bellingeri , Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades -Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Agustina Ruiz Bellingeri is Professor and Bachelor of Arts at the National University of Córdoba and PhD student in Letters at the same university. She is a doctoral fellow CONICET 2020-2025 with the project "Género y nación en el canon literario: un análisis de la presencia de producción de escritoras en programas universitarios de Literatura argentina e Historias de la literatura argentina en el periodo 2003-2019" (Gender and nation in the literary canon: an analysis of the presence of women writers' production in university programmes of Argentine Literature and Histories of Argentine Literature in the period 2003-2019).



Arnés, L, De Leone, L. y Punte, M. J. (2020). Historia feminista de la literatura argentina. En la intemperie: poéticas de la fragilidad y la revuelta. Villa María: Eduvim.

Massuh, G. (2018). La intemperie. Buenos Aires: Interzona.

Monteleone, J. (Dir) (2018). Historia crítica de la literatura argentina 12: una literatura en aflicción. Buenos Aires: Emecé.

Ortíz, J. (1933). Las raíces y el cielo. En Juan L. Ortiz, Obra completa, Universidad Nacional del Litoral.

Robin, R. (1993). Incertidumbre y expansión del Concepto de literatura. En Teoría lIteraria, Marc Angenot y otros. Buenos Aires: Siglo XXI.