The stoppage of time in fiction and psychosis: an interdisciplinary approach to the experience of the pause

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Germán Arroyo


The present work aims to investigate the way in which the experience of the pause is elaborated in fiction, psychiatry and psychoanalysis. In this sense, a short story and an article by Jorge Luis Borges are analyzed, where the experience of the pause of time appears as the main element. In the case of psychiatry, we analyze the contributions of the so-called phenomenological psychiatrists, who propose a study of psychoses from the point of view of subjective experience. In our case, we are interested in the subjective experience of time and its abolition or detention. Likewise, we expose how psychoanalysis approaches temporality both in Freud and in his Lacan epigone, without forgetting to mention the way in which they explain psychosis from their own theoretical models. All of this is done with the purpose of supporting a question that is of great importance to us: Is the experience of the pause outside of fiction and psychosis possible?


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How to Cite
Arroyo, G. (2020). The stoppage of time in fiction and psychosis: an interdisciplinary approach to the experience of the pause. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1–18. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Germán Arroyo, Universidad Nacional de Còrdoba

He has a degree in Philosophy from the FFyH of the UNC. He is part of the research project: Psychoanalysis and Philosophy/Philosophy and Psychoanalysis: meetings, influences and discussions (CIFyHH -UNC) directed by Dr. Natalia Lorio (FFyH-CIFFyH- UNC)


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