Experiencie of reading(s), writing and life in the diaries of anargentine young girl of the 60s

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Candelaria de Olmos


The article explores the four diaries written by María Adela Reyna Lloveras (1947-1978) during her adolescence and before entering, almost simultaneously, the Literature career (UNC) and the organization Montoneros. The diaries, which cover since 1960 to 1966, register at the beginning the daily experiences in the domestic area –the intimate space of the room where the writing happens– and in the school area where that writing is socialized and loses its private status. But over time –and with the beginning of a love relationship that is going to be related with the later militancy– the writing becomes a register, on one hand, of the readings that Maria Adela does and, on the other hand, of her love experience and the emotions mobilised by that experience. From that moment (the start of her love life), María Adela writes and transcribes compulsively: the pages of her diaries are full of other people’s texts that she makes her own by the double practice of reading and copying (and sometimes, of stealing the signature of that she copied). Her reading and her writing are in tension: the obligations imposed by the didactic-moralizing books due to the Christian formation seek to lock up a desire that, instead, the literary texts encourage with an almost performative force, molding and modeling the affections that the loving experience imposes and that María Adela translates into another way of writing: the diary becomes an epistolar register in order to express the absence of the loved one. A question about the similarity or even the overlapping between the love experience and the one related to the militancy pretends to be, if not fully answered, at least posed in this article.




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How to Cite
de Olmos, C. (2020). Experiencie of reading(s), writing and life in the diaries of anargentine young girl of the 60s. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1–19. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/31842
Author Biography

Candelaria de Olmos, Universidad Nacional de Còrdoba

She has a Licenciate degree in Literature, a Master's degree in Socio-Semiotics, and a Doctorate in Literature from the National University of Córdoba, where she teaches Literary Theory and Semiotics (at the School of Literature) and Discourse Analysis (at the School of Archivology). She has researched Argentine literature, cinema, and recently on personal archives. She has published articles in specialized magazines in Argentina and abroad, as well as in popular magazines. She has published the books: Filloyentrestiempos. Correspondence about Balumba (2006), Montes i Bradley, el amigo de Juan FilloyCorrespondence (2016), Papelessueltos (2017), the last two in collaboration. Since 2016, she has directed the Filloy Collection of UniRío, the publishing house of the Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Within the framework of this collection, she has produced an annotated edition of Juan Filloy's childhood memories entitled Estofui, which appeared in March 2019. In 2020, the UNC publishing house published The Fox, the Cicada and the Monkey. Three fables to read Juan Filloy, an adaptation of her doctoral thesis.


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