Structures of feeling: revisiting a notion to study the ways in which sociocultural transformations are experienced and embodied

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Germán Pinque


Abstract: The work that follows is a revision and exploration of a central concept of cultural studies, the "structures of feeling", by one of the main authors of this tradition, Raymond Williams. The text is presented as an essay guided by the interest or motivation to enrich the theoretical or methodological imagination to study current cultural phenomena from the definition, reflection and re-contextualization of this concept and of this author’s work. Fundamentally, it concentrates on the aspects in which this concept can serve to theorize sociocultural processes and changes and shed light and attention on a key dimension —that of feelings and affections— to understand the modalities in which contemporary transformations are experienced and embodied. The text also makes a brief critical journey through the theoretical and methodological challenges of this notion, and suggests some ideas about the paths that can be followed from it.





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How to Cite
Pinque, G. (2020). Structures of feeling: revisiting a notion to study the ways in which sociocultural transformations are experienced and embodied. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1–13. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Germán Pinque, Universidad Nacional de Còrdoba

GermánPinque is a professor and researcher at the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the National University of Córdoba. He has a degree in Social Communication (ECI-UNC) and a Master's degree in Social Anthropology (FFyH, UNC). Since 1998 and until 2014, he integrated research teams dedicated to studying discourses (written, audiovisual) refering to the contemporary history of Cordoba. From 2015 to the present, he has been co-director of a research team dedicated to studying academic literacies. He has had technical participation in teacher training at the UNC and in monitoring and follow-up teams for programs of the Ministry of Education of the Province of Córdoba.


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