To change of life in the academy

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Louis Annick


The pandemic, with the confinement it imposed, could appear at first as a suspension of time and activities in the academy. In fact, it brought a new form of storm in education and research, already affected by the series of reforms and socio-economic transformations that have taken place for twenty years. This paper proposes a reflection on these and the future perspectives of the organization of academic life.




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How to Cite
Annick , L. (2020). To change of life in the academy. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1–15. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Louis Annick , Universidad de Franche-Comté/CRIT – CRAL (EHESS-CNRS)

Annick Louis is a professor at the University of Franche-Comté, a member of the pedagogical team of the EHESS-Paris, and a researcher at the CRAL (Centre de recherches pour les arts et le langage CNRS-EHESS). A specialist in the work of Jorge Luis Borges, her current work is oriented towards an epistemology of literature, based on a method that articulates literature with the human and social sciences. She was a Visiting Assistant Professor at Yale University in 1999-2000 and a scholarship holder at the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (Germany) between 2000 and 2002.  She has translated into French Los sueños de Franciscoby Quevedo and Los sueños y el tiempoby María Zambrano. She is the author of the following books in Spanish: Borges ante el fascismo, Oxford, Peter Lang, 2007;Borges. Work and maneuvers. Santa Fe, UNL, 2014. Her latest book is L'invention de Troie. Les vies rêvées de Heinrich Schliemann, EHESS, 2020. As an editor, she has published: Josefina Ludmer, Algunos problemas de teoría literaria. Clases 1985, Buenos Aires, Paidós, 2016; Enrique Pezzoni, lector de Borges, Bs.As., Sudamericana, 1999. Compiled, edited and published by Annick Louis.


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