Modernity: Delays

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Artur de Vargas Giorgi


The text explores the power of delay in authors and works that appear, then, as limit attitudes (Foucault) in the critical narratives of modernity. Kafka, Borges, and Duchamp are among the authors featured in this suspended series that brings together, in its tense non-actuality, different but related temporalities. The reading is driven by Benjamin's proposition that the revolution must be considered, not as the progress of the train of history, but as an emergency brake.


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How to Cite
de Vargas Giorgi, A. (2020). Modernity: Delays. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1–16. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Artur de Vargas Giorgi, Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC, Brasil).

He is currently a full-time Assistant Professor of Literary Theory at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC, Brazil). He has a degree in Social Communication (UNAERP - SP, 2002); a degree in Literature (UFSC, 2009); a master's degree in Literary Theory (UFSC/CNPq, 2011) and a doctorate in Literature (UFSC/CNPq, 2015). He defended his thesis on the exile of Ferreira Gullar and León Ferrari, a work directed by Raúl Antelo that was nominated for the Capes de Tese Award (2015-2016 edition). He developed a post-doctoral research in the Graduate Program in Language Sciences at the University of Southern Santa Catarina (UNISUL/Capes, 2015-2016), where he was also a professor, teaching in the Graduate Program in Psychology and Film and Audiovisual (2016-2018). He is the author of articles and essays dedicated mainly to Brazilian literature, literary theory and the visual arts.

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