Love politics

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Adriana Boria


The work aims to investigate the constitution of love as a discursive sociological object. This point of view has its theoretical framework in the theories of M. Bajtín and M. Foucault who consider discourse as a social fact (Bajtín), distancing themselves from linguistics to obtain a more extensive vision of discursiveness (Foucault). We also consider the material effects on the social constitution of the subjects. These effects are related to two aspects of social languages: their performative functioning and their role as models. Although we are not going to dwell on the implementation of these concepts, we want to underline their importance as a framework for this reflection. The final intention of the article is to present a positive idea of ​​love passions, thinking of them as a thermometer of social spaces that we provisionally call public spaces, to reinvict emotions that from certain positions of feminism are viewed and criticized negatively. With this we want to point out, on the one hand, the importance of the subject in the context of a certain culture and, on the other hand, to mark the historical limitation of the concept of love.


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How to Cite
Boria, A. (2020). Love politics. Heterotopías, 3(5), 1–19. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Adriana Boria, CEA, FCS/FFYH, UNC

Adriana Boria has a Licentiate degree in Modern Languages and Literature, a Master's degree in Socio-Semiotics, from the Center for Advanced Studies, National University of Córdoba (UNC), and a PhD in Languages and Literature from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, UNC. She has been a senior lecturer since 1992 at the School of Modern Letters, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, UNC. She has been an Associate Professor since 2007. She has been co-director of the CEA's Social Speech Program since 1994. She is the director of the Gender Studies program and director of the doctorate program of the same name. She has taught numerous undergraduate and graduate seminars, related to topics of Literary Theory, semiotics and feminism. Her research is oriented towards the theory of social discourse and the impact on the construction of gender identities. She has published The Love Speech. Tensions around the female condition (2009). She is a compiler and prologuist of Social Theory and Gender: Nancy Fraser and Contemporary Theoretical Dilemmas (2010), Theoretical Practices 1: Languages, Sexualities and Subjects (2013); Theoretical Practices 2, The Place of Theory (2016), among others.


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