"It's what i feel": the place of affects in feminist conversation

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Eduardo Mattio
María Victoria Dahbar


If we had to define -as it seems to be convenient for the introductory gender- the so-called affective turn, we could take the words of otrxs and agree, with Nicolás Cuello (2019), that it is about "a field of theoretical-reflexive experimentation" (p.11) where investigations and explorations of feminist and queer nature coexist in which the political relevance of the affections and emotions in public life is expressed. In the words of Macón and Solana (2015), it is "a project aimed at exploring alternative ways of approaching the affective, passionate or emotional dimension [...] from its role in public space" (pp. 15-16).


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How to Cite
Mattio, E., & Dahbar , M. V. . (2020). "It’s what i feel": the place of affects in feminist conversation. Heterotopías, 3(5), 1–14. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/29032
Author Biographies

Eduardo Mattio, Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Eduardo Mattio is, as he describes himself, a queer feminist. He has a licentiate degree and a PhD in Philosophy from the National University of Córdoba (UNC, Argentina). He is a professor of Ethics at the School of Philosophy and a researcher in the area of Feminisms, Gender and Sexualities (FemGeS) at the Maria Saleme Research Center in Burnichon, School of Philosophy and Humanities (CIFFyH), UNC. He directs the research project "Emotions, temporalities, images: towards a critique of neoliberal sensibility" (CIFFyH, UNC). He has had articles and book chapters published in local and international journals on gender and sexuality issues. He has conducted graduate seminars on gender and sexuality at the National University of Villa María, the Catholic University of Córdoba and the National University of Córdoba. He has taught in different postgraduate programs in the country and has also been a visiting professor in the Master of Social Anthropology at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico. His recent research work compares data on issues related to practical philosophy, queer theory and affective turn.


María Victoria Dahbar , CIFFyH, UNC - IDH CONICET - FCC, UNC

María Victoria Dahbar (kolo) has a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires, a Master's degree in Communication and Contemporary Culture from the Center for Advanced Studies at the National University of Córdoba (UNC), and a degree in Social Communication from the UNC. She lives in Córdoba and works at the Institute of Humanities (IDH-CONICET), FFYH (UNC) under a Post-Doctoral Scholarship from CONICET, and teaches at the School of Communication. From the intersection of contemporary political philosophy, feminist and gender studies and cultural studies, she aims to reflect upon the link between temporality, normative violence and corporeality, and especially upon the power of anachronistic corporeality and materiality. She is part of the Fernseh Settlement publishing project.



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