A fable on the way: almost a novel by Juan l. Ortiz

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Silvio Mattoni


This work tries to make a closed, immanent reading of an extensive poem by Juan L. Ortiz, from his last years. The analysis focuses on two areas of problems: on the one hand, the question of the narrative, the narrative included in the poem and its relationship to the traditional theme of travel or, more broadly, the verbal representation of displacement; on the other hand, the problem of the lyrical form, of that can characterize it in the plane of elocution and in the disposition of that can still be considered as its rhythmic unity, that is, the verse. To do this, we establish relationships with the old Aristotelian differences and their problems of translation between fable, action and composition, that if we took them literally, from the survivals of the Greek language in the present, they could be stated as follows: myth, praxis and synthesis. Without forgetting that also “fable”, which translates thus into Latin the most general “myth”, is sometimes said in Greek logos, that for Aristotle it is sometimes the theme or argument of the work, and other times the language with which it is performed, which includes metrics, rhythm.

In the modernity of the poem studied we will see therefore the contemporary drifts of the genre that in part assumes and in part tensions, since not only figuratively a fable, not only narrates and reflects, but also and above all subordinates syntax and communicative convention to the twists of a primacy of verbal matter (sound, graphic, paratactic).




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How to Cite
Mattoni, S. (2019). A fable on the way: almost a novel by Juan l. Ortiz. Heterotopías, 2(4), 1–13. Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/27264
Author Biography

Silvio Mattoni

Silvio Mattoni (Córdoba, Argentina, 1969). Es Doctor en Letras por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, donde da clases de Estética. Es investigador del Conicet. Publicó los ensayos: Koré (2000), El cuenco de plata (2003), El presente. Poesía argentina y otras lecturas (2008), Bataille. Una introducción (2011), Camino de agua (2013), Música rota (2015) y Tekhné (2018). También publicó más de una docena de libros poesía. Recibió, entre otros, el Primer premio de Ensayo del Fondo Nacional de las Artes en 2007 y en 2012, la Beca Guggenheim en 2004. Tradujo numerosos libros de literatura, filosofía, antropología y psicoanálisis.


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Ortiz, J. L. (2013). El junco y la corriente. Edición de Francisco Bitar. Paraná/Santa Fe: Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos/Universidad Nacional del Litoral.

Platón (1922). Diálogos II. México: Universidad Nacional de México/Secretaría de Educación Pública.