A file to include the images in the story

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Cecilia Vallina


The audiovisual records that are part of the Audiovisual Archives of Crimes Against Humanity are the visible document of the legal cases processed by the federal courts acting upon Santa Fe's territory. The vision shared in these images becomes a political and cultural movement that is officially established with the opening of these archives to the community. An inauguration that, from the moment of its creation, lays out new questions regarding the political and theoretical tensions that are generated between the recording of the testimony originally stated in the judicial headquarters and their inclusion in the archives material. Even though that their material conservation, the accessibility it offers regarding queries and actions focused on its transmission constitute different functions, but nonetheless complementary in their goal, the almost simultaneity in the recording of the trails and its transformation in a memory device would seem to expose a misalignment regarding the conventional timing an archive creation requires. In that temporal misalignment, caused by a present that is characterized for recording and archiving facts simultaneously, those images are here to propose us a new way of relating to history. We will not only be looking at a past preserved in the archives, distant in time from our present, but we will have created a device that will favor the emergence of a new relationship between historic moments.


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How to Cite
Vallina, C. (2018). A file to include the images in the story. Heterotopías, 1(2). Retrieved from https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/22812
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Author Biography

Cecilia Vallina, Universidad Nacional de Rosario

Cecilia Vallina es periodista y gestora cultural. Licenciada en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Posgrado en Gestión cultural y comunicación, Flacso, Buenos Aires. Diplomada en Gestión del patrimonio y comunicación por el Instituto Latinoamericano de Museos. Ha trabajado las relaciones entre imagen y memoria en distintos proyectos de investigación. Editó Crítica del testimonio. Ensayos sobre las relaciones entre memoria y relato. Rosario, Beatriz Viterbo, (2009). Fue productora general de La arquitectura del crimen, un documental que explora las marcas de la represión política en la ex sede de la Jefatura de Policía de Rosario. Trabajó en la creación del Archivo Audiovisual de Juicios de Lesa Humanidad que funciona desde septiembre de 2015 en el Espacio de Memoria ex Servicio de Informaciones de Rosario, Santa Fe. Participó en el Diccionario de la Memoria Colectiva, proyecto dirigido por el historiador Ricard Vinyes de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona editado en 2018


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