Set “The Table”, again: a conversation with the Urbomaquia collective (Liliana Di Negro, Magui Lucero y Sandra Mutal), together with Mirta Antonelli

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María Angélica Vega
Marcelo Silva Cantoni
Sandra Mutal
Magui Lucero
Liliana Di Negro
Mirta Alejandra Antonelli


We present a conversation we had with Liliana Di Negro, Magui Lucero and Sandra Mutal, members of the Urbomaquia collective, and Mirta Antonelli, founder and director of the journal Heterotopías in the area of letters of critical discourse studies. The talk focused on the reactivation by Urbomaquia of the artistic intervention "La mesa", on the pedestrian street of Córdoba, on September 20, 2024. In it, we discuss the intersections between art and politics, the strategies of aesthetic intervention in public space and we problematize the effectiveness of artistic devices to break into the current scenario. We invite readers to join the following choral composition that aims to rethink the ways of situating ourselves, from dissident poetics, in the face of the crisis of the present.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Vega, M. A., Silva Cantoni, M., Mutal, S., Lucero, M., Di Negro, L., & Antonelli, M. A. (2024). Set “The Table”, again: a conversation with the Urbomaquia collective (Liliana Di Negro, Magui Lucero y Sandra Mutal), together with Mirta Antonelli. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-25.
Author Biographies

María Angélica Vega, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

She holds a PhD in Letters, a Bachelor of Letters, Coordinator of the Literature Area of the Research Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba (CIFFYH-UNC), Professor at the School of Letters of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba: Assistant in Introduction to Literature and Theory of Social Discourses I. She served as Assistant in Charge of Panoramas and Contexts of Aesthetic Trends at the National University of La Pampa. He has published books, Discursive Constructions of the Revolution: Between Pre-Dictatorship Discursive Formations and Post-Dictatorship Fictions (2022) and Don't Go to School Because San Martín Waits for You (2023), book chapters and articles in specialized journals. He is a member of the executive committee and editorial manager of the journal Heterotopías. Journal of Critical Discourse Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba. She directs the Research Team "Recent aesthetic and critical materials of the south in revolts from feminist and decolonial perspectives" based at the Research Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba (CIFFYH. UNC) and subsidized by the Secretariat of Science and Technology of the National University of Córdoba (SECYT-UNC) and is a member of the research group "Artistic Activimos: Ways of Doing in Dispute in the History of the Present" directed by Ana Longoni at the Gino Germani Institute of the University of Buenos Aires (IIGG-UBA).

Marcelo Silva Cantoni, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

PhD in Literature and BA in Modern Literature from the National University of Córdoba. Adjunct professor of French Literature at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (UNC). He is currently researching on performance art and coloniality. He has published articles in various specialized journals and is editor in charge of the journal Heterotopías of the Area of Critical Discourse Studies of the School of Letters (UNC). In 2020 he published the book “El desierto y sus silencios: imaginarios poscoloniales de nación en Argentina”.

Sandra Mutal, Urbomaquia

She was born in Córdoba in 1962. She has a degree in Printmaking from the School of Arts of the UNC. She was a teacher at the Faculty of Arts of the UNC, from 1991-2022. From 1982 to 2000 she participated in several individual and collective, local, national and international exhibitions. In the period 1997-2000 she was a member of the art group Costuras Urbanas in unconventional spaces and since 2001 she has been part of the public art collective Urbomaquia. Since 2011 she has been part of the collective Bordamos por la Paz Cba.


Magui Lucero, Urbomaquia

Nació en Villa  Mercedes, San Luis, en 1962. Es Licenciada en Escultura (1989) y Especialista en procesos y prácticas de producción artística contemporánea (2019) por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.  Fue docente Titular de las cátedras Procesos de producción y análisis II: Escultura y Escultura I, en la Facultad de Artes, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, entre 1995 y 2023. Desde 1982 participó en diversas muestras individuales y colectivas, y de los grupos Birlibirloque y Bleff? realizando presentaciones de arte de acción en la Ciudad de Córdoba. Desde 2001 forma parte del colectivo de arte público Urbomaquia. Actualmente reside en Mendiolaza (Córdoba, Argentina).


Liliana Di Negro, Urbomaquia

She was born in Córdoba in 1962. She has a degree in sculpture and is a Professor of Plastic Arts Education at the School of Arts of the UNC. Since 1995 she has been teaching at the National University of Córdoba. Since 1989 she has participated in several group exhibitions. She was a member of the group La Saeta (1997-1999) producing performances in public and private spaces. He has been part of the public art collective Urbomaquia since 2001 and since 2010 he has been a member of the collective CONTRARTE, producing urban interventions in public spaces. At the same time and until today she participates in cinema and theater as a visual artist. 

Mirta Alejandra Antonelli, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades-Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Dr. Mirta Antonelli, National University of Córdoba.

M.A. in Sociosemiotics and Ph.D. in Literature from the UNC.

Research Professor Category I.

She has worked as a competitive teacher in Introduction to Literature and professor in charge of the Chair Theories of Social Discourse II, School of Letters, and as a teacher in charge of teaching teams in the University Program in Prison, Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (PUC- FFyH-UNC).

She has held numerous university management positions (among them, academic secretary of the Centro de Investigaciones María Saleme de Burnichón FFyH; director of the School of Letters, Coordinator of the Area of Critical Discourse Studies at the same institution. During the coordination of the area together with Dr. Edgardo Rozas, alternate coordinator, Heterotopías emerged as an institutional journal. Currently, she is its director.

Member of the Academic Committee of the PhD programs in Letters (FFyH-UNC), and in Human Sciences. National University of Catamarca (UNCa).

 She has directed and participated as responsible researcher in several network research projects on extractivism in Latin America, transnational megamining and energy matrix (SecyT, PICT, FONCyT, PIP CONICET). Director of doctoral thesis students and scholarship holders.

Speaker and lecturer in cyt events on these issues in many national and international universities (Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, USA, Austria, Italy, Germany).

She has served as vice-president and president-elect of the "Culture, Power and Politics" Section of the Latin American Studies Association (LASA).

Author of a significant number of articles in national and international publications (among others, in Tabula Rasa, Colombia; Actuel Marx/Intervenciones, Santiago de Chile: LOM, Nueva Sociedad, Emisférica (NYU), Astrolabio (CIECS-CONICET), Puente a Europa -Università di Bologna), and book chapters related to the issues of this Heterotopías dossier,

Among her publications in books, Transnational mining, development narratives and social resistance, co-coordinated with Maristella Svampa (2009, Biblos); as a member of the Colectivo Voces de Alerta, 15 mitos y realidades de la minería transnacional en Argentina. Guía para desmontar el imaginario pro-minero, Argentina editions (2011, Herramienta); Ecuador and Uruguay. Chapters that integrated different books, among others, Gustavo Endara (2014-Friedrich Eber Stiftung (FES)-FLACSO Ecuador), Julia Roth [Hrsg.] (2014) Munich, Baden Baden, NOMOS, Schriftenreihe Zentrum und Peripherie, Band 9); Acosta, Alberto, Mirta Antonelli et alt. (2012) Buenos Aires, Mardulce; Svampa, Maristella (Coord.) (2015). UNGS; Neuman, Beatriz (Comp.). (2017) Instituto de Investigaciones Lingüísticas y Literarias de la Patagonia, Trelew: EDUPA-ILLPAT_UNPA. Sede Trelew, and Arán, Pampa- Gómez Ponce, Ariel (Comps.) (2020) Córdoba: Centro de Estudios Avanzados (CEA) UNC.

She has participated in numerous public interventions in networks with social organizations, observatories of environmental conflicts, communities and indigenous peoples in relation to human rights and common goods issues, the law banning metalliferous and uraniferous mega-mining in Córdoba, the protective bill for the defense of glaciers (National Congress), and in interdisciplinary debates on mega-mining, multidimensionality of impacts and university in different university events (Ecuador, Colombia, USA, and in National Universities of Río Cuarto, La Plata, Tucumán, San Juan, etc.).

How to Cite

Vega, M. A., Silva Cantoni, M., Mutal, S., Lucero, M., Di Negro, L., & Antonelli, M. A. (2024). Set “The Table”, again: a conversation with the Urbomaquia collective (Liliana Di Negro, Magui Lucero y Sandra Mutal), together with Mirta Antonelli. Heterotopías, 7(14), 1-25.


Antonelli, M. (2024). de calle somos…Urbomaquia, la construcción de situaciones y la no renuncia a hacer lazo. En Grupo Urbomaquia. Córdoba: Bosquemadura. En prensa.