Urban project, identity(ies) and contested places of memory in Córdoba, Argentina
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In the cities of the south, urban transformation phenomena are increasingly taking place, specifically in central and traditional areas. In general, this brings architectural, morphological and use land changes, among others. That had an impact on the reproduction of memory, producing identity resignifications. This article analyses the meaning acquired by places of identity resignification in three sites in the Güemes neighbourhood as a result of urban renewal processes (La Cañada, the former prison of Encausados and Villa
el Pocito). Urban spaces accumulate forms-contents, material and symbolic instances, which reveal emotional relationships, feelings of belonging, experiences and inhabiting practices. The premise is the renewal processes have modified the reconstruction and the
forms taken by the identities and territorial dynamics of places of memory. The aim is to contribute to the debate on the impact of the execution of projects of a certain magnitude in consolidated areas. The methodological perspective is qualitative, firstly the elements that configure the space, then an approach to the experience and experimentation of each place and the link with the construction of identity(ies); summarise the meaning the places acquire.
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