Revivir para la muerte. Los fantasmas de la historia en los últimos espectáculos de Jorge Villegas

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German Brignone


In this work we integrate the work of the Cordovan playwright and director Jorge Villegas within the Argentine post-dictatorship theater (Dubatti 2008) through a reading of the latest shows that he is putting on simultaneously in the first half of 2023 (La noche como navío , at the La Chacarita theater; La piel y la rabia, in La nave escénica; El odio, about to premiere in June, also at La Chacarita). These plays refer to an explicit offstage reference as they revive traumatic events of history (Córdoba, Argentina and universal) and can be observed as forms of theater of death (Dubatti, 2014) the poetics of the cadaveric (Musitano, 2011) or the necrotheater (Dieguez, 2014) as exhibitions of specters recognized by the viewer for the reconstruction of his death; theatrical recreation of the ghosts of history that are displayed for ask justice “…as a political object (…) as an activator(s) of memory, as a strategy of resistance to oblivion…” (Bixio, in Musitano, 2011: 14)

Article Details

How to Cite
Revivir para la muerte. Los fantasmas de la historia en los últimos espectáculos de Jorge Villegas. (2023). Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-21.
Author Biography

German Brignone, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. CONICET

He holds a PhD in Literature from the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities (UNC) and teaches
Spanish Literature I at the School of Literature (UNC). He has specialized in current Spanish
theater. She has participated since 2005 in different research teams where she has been working
on current theater, and has participated and carried out research stays in research teams
belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Spain). She has published books,
book chapters and articles in specialized journals on current Spanish and Argentine theater issues.
She is currently doing her postdoctoral research at CONICET entitled "Formas y sentido del nuevo
teatro documental en la ciudad de Córdoba (siglo XXI)" and co-directs with Laura Fobbio the
project "Traducciones de lo autorreferencial en dramaturgias de Córdoba en el siglo XXI"
(Translations of the self-referential in dramaturgies of Córdoba in the XXI century).

How to Cite

Revivir para la muerte. Los fantasmas de la historia en los últimos espectáculos de Jorge Villegas. (2023). Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-21.


Amiguet, T. (1 de noviembre de 2020). Pasolini, una muerte bajo sospecha. En La vanguardia.

Recuperado de:

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