We'll all go by bus Some clippings to think about violence and ways of living with others

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Luciana V. Almada
Liliana V. Pereyra


The text that follows is the product of writing with four hands -or more-, and in various temporal episodes. It was initially the final text of a course, which reconsidered the years 2010 and 2011, in an Argentina with progressive and advanced laws in the field of human rights, which already proved incapable of doing justice through the known legal channels, and in a world where the feminist boom of the following years was unthinkable. Recovers the case of La Pepa Gaitán, wonders about the limits of the debate between punitiveness and anti-punitiveness, and explores the alternatives of how to live with others in a shared world. We propose a brief tour of specific bibliography that asks about the differential violence that is exerted on some bodies, and the local treatment of said problem; the ways and/or impossibilities of defending oneself against violence and the frameworks for thinking about these attacks. We recovered some articles from the press that revolved around these disputes and, in addition, fragments of two audiovisuals: the documentary The Wanninkhof-Carabantes case, by Tània Balló, and a clipping of an episode of Sex Education. With the current validity of the debate, and with the call for the magazine as an excuse, we wonder about the imagination as a political tool for transformation.


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How to Cite
Almada, L. V., & Pereyra, L. V. (2023). We’ll all go by bus Some clippings to think about violence and ways of living with others. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-18. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/41669
Author Biographies

Luciana V. Almada, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Lesbian activist and feminist. Doctoral student in Gender Studies and student of the Specialization Collective memories, human rights and resistance. Degree in Social Communication. Worker, teacher and researcher at the National University of Córdoba. Member of the Research Program for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies at the Center for Advanced Studies. Member of the Network for the Recognition of Sex Work. Her theoretical, ethical, political, and erotic-affective interests revolve around criminalized sexual communities, memory(ies) recovery studies, and the attempt to think about archives from the field of gender studies, sexuality and feminisms.

Liliana V. Pereyra, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Graduate in History, Master in Communication and Contemporary Culture. Teacher, researcher and extensionist at the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities of the National University of Córdoba. Member of the Network for the Recognition of Sex Work. Co-director of the Research Project Emotions, temporalities, images. Towards a critique of neoliberal reason. Member of the Advisory Council of University Extension (FFyH). Member of the Editorial Committee of Feminist Controversies. I develop my teaching work in Political Economy (School of History) and I study topics related to sexuality, feminisms, dissent and, in particular, at this moment I am concentrating on the investigation of sex work.

How to Cite

Almada, L. V., & Pereyra, L. V. (2023). We’ll all go by bus Some clippings to think about violence and ways of living with others. Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-18. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/41669


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