mAtriZ ColectivA, acciones buenalistas between 2019 and 2022

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Andrea Brunotti


This paper tries to recover the actions carried out by the mAtriZ collectivA collectivA, made up of feminist artists from the city of Mar del Plata between 2019 and 2022. From a subjective perspective, told in the first person, it is an attempt to systematize actions in the public space and in formal spaces of secondary and higher education. The work recovers the objectives of the first actions, the way in which the rump was formed and how it was changing in these years. It addresses the limits between engraving as a canonical discipline and the overflows that occur in the collective doing proposed by buenalist actions. It also reviews his registration in the local artivisms from Ni una Menos to date and his participation in the militancy for the ESI within secondary education. This review of the actions proposes new ways of thinking about artistic practices in relation to feminisms and the city's field of art. The proposals of the workshop in the public space question the concepts of artist and authorship and dynamize the forms of appropriation and circulation of engraving today. The chronological order reviews the fervor of the first actions, the difficulties raised in the COVID pandemic, the invention of other forms of action during 2020 and 2021 and the incorporation of writing and archival work today

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How to Cite
mAtriZ ColectivA, acciones buenalistas between 2019 and 2022. (2023). Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-21.
Author Biography

Andrea Brunotti, Escuela de Artes Visuales Martín Malharro. Mar del Plata

Andrea Brunotti, teacher and visual artist was born in Mar del Plata in 1976. She graduated from the Martín Malharro School of Visual Arts. Do postgraduate studies at this institution and in the Faculty of Fine Arts of La Plata. In 2019, together with other artists, she founded the group Matriz Colectiva, with whom she made engravings and stickers in public spaces from feminisms, with them she participated in the 8M marches, Conferences for the ESI, Young Art, Conferences on the Arts of Fire between Other events.Take Art History courses with Georgina Gluzman and Guadalupe Suasnabar. Attend courses on graphic techniques with Florencia Reiz, Pablo Delfini, Gabriela Rodi and Lorena Pradal. Participates as a speaker in the Conversations on cultural history Vision and difference of the Museo Mar (2019 and 2021). Together with Silvia Alejandra García, she coordinates the Arts and Feminisms Table at the National Days of Women's History in 2019. She has participated in salons and exhibitions at the national and provincial level from 1997 to date, highlighting the participation in the National Salon of the Sea (1999) Juan Carlos Castagnino Municipal Art Salon (in 1997 and 2015) Mumbat Tandil Small Format National Salon (2018) Para todes tode CCK (2020) Florencio Molina Campos Provincial Salon (2021). He is currently a student of the Master's Degree in Contemporary Artistic Practices at UNSAM, directed by Marie Bardet

How to Cite

mAtriZ ColectivA, acciones buenalistas between 2019 and 2022. (2023). Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-21.


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Video de matriz colectiva en YouTube:

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