Words of memory: Leopoldo Brizuela as coordinator and archivist of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Writing Workshop (1990-1998)

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Eleonora García


The Leopoldo Brizuela Documentary Fund belongs to the Department of Archives of the National Library of the Argentine Republic "Mariano Moreno" takes care of a series of documents that were produced within the framework of the Writing Workshop of the Association of Mothers of Plaza de Mayo during the period 1990-1999. Brizuela, in his role as coordinator of the workshop and producer of the archive, and the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, authors of the literary stories gathered there, combined his efforts to imagine new possibilities to approach history and individual and collective memory. This work investigates the links between archival and writing practice considered as two aesthetic-political modes that, during the first decade of post-dictatorship, launched narrative forms against the grain of the hegemonic historiographical accounts. The figure of the archivist as translator, in the case of Brizuela; the problem of secrecy, loss and spectrality, around the archive and the concern of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo to build through the word an image and a history of themselves, as women and activists, constitute the main three nuclei of attention of this writing.


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How to Cite
García, E. (2023). Words of memory: Leopoldo Brizuela as coordinator and archivist of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Writing Workshop (1990-1998). Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-19. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/41641
Author Biography

Eleonora García, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires

Eleonora García holds a B.A. and Prof. in Combined Arts from the University of Buenos Aires. Within the Postgraduate cycle, she has completed the Specialization Program in Artistic Practices and Politics in Latin America at the FF.y L. within the same University. In her professional work, she teaches Arts at the secondary level and at the higher level, coordinates courses and workshops in the Extension Area of different universities. As a researcher in training, she has participated in the PRI Project: The new woman. Its origin and impact on the arts. Buenos Aires, 1920-1970, with works on the renovating acting poetics of the national scene in the early years of that period: Camila Quiroga, mujer en acción. Diálogos en escena.  She is currently part of the working team of the FILOCyT Project: Training in dramaturgy: construction of a specific field of knowledge in the history of Argentine theater anchored in the IHAAL, FF.yL., UBA. In this context, she deals with the dramaturgy of Patricia Zangaro, Susana Torres Molina, Amancay Espíndola, Adriana Tursi and Cristina Escofet, authors and teachers of dramaturgy, gathered around the shared interest in the complex ties that organize the link between history, memory and women. She also participates as a speaker in national and international scientific activities that extend to academic writing and the publication of articles in specialized journals.

How to Cite

García, E. (2023). Words of memory: Leopoldo Brizuela as coordinator and archivist of the Mothers of Plaza de Mayo Writing Workshop (1990-1998). Heterotopías, 6(11), 1-19. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/41641


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Textos fuente consultados

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