Noe Jitrik: return to signification. Heterodoxies, De Saussure

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Susana Gómez


A brief commentary on a text by Noé Jitrik becomes the starting point for a theoretical insistence: recognizing Amado Alonso in his prologue to Ferdinand De Saussure's Course in General Linguistics implies retracing the epistemological steps that lead to the notion of signification, which is forgotten at the crossroads of disciplinary paths in language thought. Let us share, in memory of Noé, this heterodox path, which dares to find areas to think semiotics in its logics.


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Gómez, S. (2022). Noe Jitrik: return to signification. Heterodoxies, De Saussure. Heterotopías, 5(10), 213-224.
Author Biography

Susana Gómez, National University of Córdoba

She has a PhD in Literature and a Masters degree in Sociosemiotics. She is Full Professor at the National University of Córdoba and a researcher at the Research Center of the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities where she directs the project "Topologies of research in literature and its frontiers: Khora". As a member of the Centre de Recherches Latinoaméricaines-Archives (CRLA-Archives) she is Scientific Responsible of the Cortázar Fund since 2009.
She has published Julio Cortázar y la Revolución Cubana. La legibilidad política del ensayo latinoamericano (Córdoba, 2006), Julio Cortázar. Catálogo y cercanías (Poitiers, 2011) and participated in numerous collective books and publications on Julio Cortázar, Literary Theory and Archive Theories.
Coordinator of Propale (Program for the Promotion and Encouragement of Reading and Writing), of the FFyH-UNC, she is a specialist in Literature for Children.


How to Cite

Gómez, S. (2022). Noe Jitrik: return to signification. Heterodoxies, De Saussure. Heterotopías, 5(10), 213-224.


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Jitrik, N. (2007). Cinco pláticas sobre el malestar. En Fantasmas semióticos concentrados. México: Fondo de Cultura Económica.

Jitrik, N. (2010). El sentido en la búsqueda del sentido. En Verde es toda teoría. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Líber Editores.

Jitrik, N. (2020). Lógica en riesgo. Ensayos heterodoxos. Buenos Aires, Argentina: VS.