Art for Water: An interweaving of voices

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Arte por el Agua


The group was born in December 2019 in the heat of Law 7722’s modification, which protects Mendoza's water from open pit mining. Due to the great popular discontent and the demonstrations carried out, this group was decided to confront, with art and communication, the mass media siege and lack of interest by mainstream media. We adopt a rhizomatic form that allows us to grow horizontally and throughout the territory. With a strong identity heritage that comes from an ancestral heritage, prior to the Huarpe/Inca communities that links us to water, for having water canals in the territory for more than 3,000 years.

The variety of formats allows us to express ourselves both in the streets by murals and in the virtual territory by videos and graphic design as well as the number of voices that participate and replicate the content. That is why we want to share our stories and experiences that collectively build community and towards a Good Life, the process of defending water by turning our political struggle into art and transforming reality from the cultural point of view.

We intend to depeen into culture by twisting the irrational course of mad “progress” on nature and collaborate in forming a new world where this type of approach is impossible. As other battles have been won in history for the struggle for hegemony, today, the inexorable course of things, makes us have to take something more than awareness about life. Carry out fruitful actions that, as a germ, modifies the extractivist course. Each territory has its urgency, and here in the desert, it is water.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Arte por el Agua. (2022). Art for Water: An interweaving of voices. Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-25.
Author Biography

Arte por el Agua

Arteporelagua is an interdisciplinary collective of artists that was born in December 2019, when the government of Mendoza modified the law 7722 that protects water from megaminería. With the first urgency to communicate what was happening, once they managed to stop the advance of mega-mining in Mendoza, they decided that the fight continued through different forms of artistic expression.

Florencia Crino is an actress, singer and dancer. She is finishing her studies in Folklore, mention in Traditional Cultures; and Folkloric Dances and Tango at the National University of the Arts. She is currently an EVCCIN 2021-2022 Fellow with the project "Art and political activism: The case of the collective "art for the water of Mendoza". She has been a member of the collective since 2021.

Sara Mesqui is a student of Therapeutic Pedagogy in Visual Impairment, Folkloric Dancer in the Luna Llena Dance Collective, teacher of Mexican Embroidery and painter by ancestral heritage. She has been a member of Arte por el Agua for 2 years.

Marcela Naciff is a Doctor of Letters, cultural manager and producer. Emotionally she belongs to the collective since it was created, in reality, she has been a member for two years.

Bernardo Blanco has a degree in Film and Television, and graduated from the Escuela Argentina de Fotografía. He is currently finishing his studies at the Universidad Nacional de Cuyo's Tecnicatura Universitaria en Producción Audioviual (TUPA). He has worked as an audiovisual producer, photographer and teacher of: Lighting and Camera, Audiovisual Production, Colorimetry and Art History at FX School of Special Effects.

Fer Galvez is a visual artist, cultural manager and entrepreneur. Currently, he works as an independent artist in fairs and festivals.

Mauco Sosa is a visual artist, illustrator, poet, dedicated to exploring the relationship between word and image. He currently works as a freelance illustrator for different companies around the world.

How to Cite

Arte por el Agua. (2022). Art for Water: An interweaving of voices. Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-25.


Merlinsky, G. y Wagner, L. (2019). La memoria del agua. Megaminería y conflictos ambientales en Mendoza. Revista Espoiler. Recuperado de:

Wagner, L. (2014). Conflictos socioambientales: la megaminería en Mendoza, 1884-2011. Buenos Aires: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.