Caring for the dead, being cared for by them

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Luis Ignacio García


This work proposes a reading of A la salud de los muertos. Relatos de quienes quedan, by Vinciane Despret, which seeks to place it, first of all, in the framework of the unprecedented experience of the massive number of deaths that the pandemic brought us and the consequent need to reimagine the forms of mourning. But, at the same time, it shows the centrality of her intervention in the framework of the ongoing theoretical debates about the devastating effects of human exceptionalism and the need to rethink the humanities beyond their circle. Thus, the book is located at a double juncture, both vital and theoretical, pointing out how the necessary transformation of our relationship with the dead, which has become urgent with the Covid experience, is linked to the need for a general mutation of thought and of the human sciences on a scale as massive as the experience of the pandemic.


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How to Cite
García, L. I. (2022). Caring for the dead, being cared for by them. Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-16.
Author Biography

Luis Ignacio García, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba / Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas

Doctor en filosofía por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), profesor regular en la UNC e investigador adjunto del CONICET. Dirige el proyecto Secyt-UNC “Estética y política en el pensamiento contemporáneo”. Ha centrado sus intereses en el cruce entre estética y política en el pensamiento contemporáneo en general, y en los debates culturales locales en particular. Entre sus principales publicaciones se cuentan los libros La Babel del odio. Políticas de la lengua en el frente antifascista (2021); La comunidad en montaje. Imaginación política y postdictadura (2018); Modernidad, cultura y crítica (2014), entre otros.

How to Cite

García, L. I. (2022). Caring for the dead, being cared for by them. Heterotopías, 5(9), 1-16.