Dissenting cartographies: Other routes of contemporary art

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Diana Wechsler


Thinking from "another side" is an exercise that tends to illuminate areas that are often neglected to allow new perspectives to emerge and with them other configurations of the world we inhabit. It is from this position that BIENALSUR was born and it is this undisciplined gaze that guides the selection of artists and works that make up each edition, starting with the implementation of other work practices and dynamics aimed at deactivating the inertias instituted. This essay will pivot between a brief selection of works, which make up the cartography of the current 2021 edition, and the alternative cartography that is being traced in the territory from the collaborative network dynamics that we establish, and the exercise of a curatorial practice marked by the investigation. With the works of the chosen artists, the dissident cartography and the rereading of archives and graphic documents we invited to deactivating the inertias of thought and dismantling the canonical accounts: this is an invitation to illuminate other futures from other perspectives.


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Article Details

How to Cite
Wechsler, D. . (2021). Dissenting cartographies: Other routes of contemporary art. Heterotopías, 4(8), 1-11. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/36170
Author Biography

Diana Wechsler, Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero (UNTREF) - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)

Diana Beatriz Wechsler. Ph.D. in Art History. Head researcher at CONICET. Director at the Instituto de Investigaciones en arte y cultura "Dr. Norberto Griffa" and Master's director in Visual Arts curatorship at UNTREF. Director of the Arts and Culture Department at UNTREF. Muntref's artistic director. Tenured Professor of Argentine Art II at FFyL-UBA. She has recieved several grants, such as a Post-Doctoral Fellowship (Getty Foundation). She has carried our research and curatorship dutties in expositions in Germany, Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, España, Italia, and México. Director of the journal Estudios Curatoriales. Among her most recent publications are "Prologo para El museo imaginario" (2017); "Pensar con imágenes" (con G. Didi-Huberman, A. Fernández Polanco, et alt. 2015), "Graciela Sacco, nada está donde se cree" (2015), "Boltanski Buenos Aires" (2012), "Desde el salón" (Palais de Glace, 2012), "Imágenes e historias" (CNB, 2012), "Realidad y utorpía" (ADK, Berlín 2010), "Picasso, la mirada del deseo" (2010), "Berni, la mirada intensa" (2010). She has been awarded the prize to Best Critical Essay AICA-AACA (1998); Curatorship of the Year award AICA-ABCA (Sao Paulo, 2003); Research Paper Award AICA-AACA (2007). In 2009, she was designated Honorary Member at the CAIA (Centro Argentino de Investigadores de Arte). She has been honored as Chevalier de las palmas académicas de la República Francesa (2018). She is artístic-académic director at BIENALSUR (Bienal Internacional de Arte Contemporáneo de América del Sur)



How to Cite

Wechsler, D. . (2021). Dissenting cartographies: Other routes of contemporary art. Heterotopías, 4(8), 1-11. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/36170


Diego, E. de. (2008). Contra el mapa: Disturbios en la geografía colonial de occidente. Madrid: Siruela.

Torres García, J. (1984). “La Escuela del Sur” (1935) en: Universalismo constructivo, Madrid, Alianza.

Qualina, F. (2017). Cristina Piffer. Serie Argento, 300 actas. Recuperado de http://cristinapiffer.com.ar/obras/21/

Speranza, G. Atlas portátil de América Latina, Barcelona, Anagrama, 2012