"Readings from/about pandemics. Anticipation and anachrony".

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Paola Cortes Rocca
Alicia Vaggione


The archive of pandemic dreams, which points to the recurrence of the person and the house, shifts from the mythology of the individual and trauma to allow itself to be traversed by otherness. It is a cartography inhabited by multiplicities and without the stratification of wakefulness. Less as metaphor and more as constatation, the universe of dreams recycles materials taken from the visual imagination and the stories of and about the pandemic.



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How to Cite
Rocca , P. C. ., & Vaggione, A. . (2021). "Readings from/about pandemics. Anticipation and anachrony". Heterotopías, 4(7), 1-16. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/33674
Author Biographies

Paola Cortes Rocca , CONICET -Universidad Nacional de Artes - Universidad Tres de Febrero

Paola Cortes Rocca specializes in the intersection between writing and visuality. She got her PhD. from Princeton University and taught at the University of Southern California and at San Francisco State University where she was Chair of the Department of Foreign Languages. She is currently a researcher at CONICET and teaches at UNA, Di Tella and UNTREF. She is the co-editor of  Políticas del sentimiento. El peronismo y la construcción de la Argentina moderna and the author of El tiempo de la máquina: retratos, paisajes y otras imágenes de la nación as well as several essays on landscape and residuality, ghosts and political imagination, activism and performance, published October, Iberoamericana, and the Journal of Latin American Cultural Studies, among others journals. Since 2016 she has been a member of the group of activists Ni Una Menos.

Alicia Vaggione, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades - Facultad de Cs. Sociales -Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Alicia Vaggione got her PhD in Semiotics from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. She is a professor and a researcher at the Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades and Facultad de Ciencias Sociales of Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. She is also the DGS of the PhD Program in Semiotics, co-organized by the CEA (FCS) and the FFyH. Her research work revolves around the links between writing and experience with a special attention at the ties between culture and disease. In 2013 she published Literatura/Enfermedad. Escrituras sobre sida en América Latina  (Centro de Estudios Avanzados Press, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba). In 2018 she co-edited (with Soledad Boero), Gestos vitales. Recorridos críticos sobre escrituras del presente (published by Ferreyra editor with the endorsement of the CEA (FCS) and the CIFFyH (FFyH). She is also the author of several essays in national and international specialized magazines.

How to Cite

Rocca , P. C. ., & Vaggione, A. . (2021). "Readings from/about pandemics. Anticipation and anachrony". Heterotopías, 4(7), 1-16. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/33674


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