Archival Languages: extraction, silence, secrecy

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Mario Rufer


This paper presents some reflections on the archive and its metaphors: the past asa figure of extraction, the secrecy as a limit of discourse, the silencing as an elusive task of history. The relationship between archive and the disciplining of alterity, archive and the administration of populations, are worked upon ideas of connection, loss and story. The text addresses the archive as consignment (ordering), as a place (of enunciation) and as a strategic locus (of the archivist). Nevertheless, this locus is always haunted by the appearance of an out of text which, while giving it existence, threatens the very authority of the archive.


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How to Cite
Rufer, M. (2020). Archival Languages: extraction, silence, secrecy. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1-20.
Author Biography

Mario Rufer, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México

A historian by the National University of Córdoba, Argentina. He has a Master's and Ph.D. in Asian and African Studies, Specialty History and Anthropology, by El Colegio de México. Currently, he is Professor-Researcher at the Universidad AutónomaMetropolitana-UnidadXochimilco, Mexico. His lines of research are oriented towards cultural studies and postcolonial criticism, subaltern studies, and social uses of the past and temporality: nation and public history, community memory, museums, archive, and heritage. He is a member of the National System of Researchers of CONACyT in Mexico. He has been a visiting professor in Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay, the United States, and Germany. He has published articles and book chapters in Spanish, English, Portuguese, German and French. Among his books as author or editor are La naciónenescenas. Memoria pública y usos del pasado en contextos poscoloniales (El Colegio de México, 2010); EntangledHeritages. Postcolonial uses of the past in Latin America (co-edited with Olaf Kaltmeier, Routledge, London, 2017); Indisciplinar la investigación. Archivo, trabajo de campo y escritura (co-editedwith Frida Gorbach, Siglo XXI-UAM, 2017); Nación y estudios culturales. Debates from Postcoloniality (co-edited with María del Carmen de la Peza, UAM-ITACA, 2016), The Routledge Handbook to the History and Society of the Americas (co-edited with Olaf Kaltmeier and Michael Foley, Routledge, 2019) and Horizontality. Towards a Critique of the Methodology (CALAS-CLACSO, 2020, co-edited with Inés Cornejo). 

How to Cite

Rufer, M. (2020). Archival Languages: extraction, silence, secrecy. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1-20.


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