The anthropogenic trauma Nightmares as theexperience of horror in a psycho-historicalperspective

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Germán Prosperi


According to Aby Warburg, the historical psyche, which is essentially schizofrenic in nature, originates from a primal phobos instilled by the Monstrum, that is, the Chaos or the non-human Outside. Based on Warburg's observation, I will demonstrate three theses: 1) the psychic cleavage Warburg suffere disrelated specifically to imagination; 2) to understand this psychic cleavage, two forms of imagination shoud be distinguished: a symbolic imagination, that join sorconnects two elements, and a diabolic imagination, that splits the elements and introduces a pause between them; and 3) the typical experience of schizofrenia that constitues Mnemosyne is the nightmare.


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How to Cite
Prosperi, G. (2020). The anthropogenic trauma: Nightmares as theexperience of horror in a psycho-historicalperspective. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1-22.
Author Biography

Germán Prosperi, Universidad Nacional de la Plata

Germán Osvaldo Prósperi has a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the National University of La Plata, Argentina. In the year 2017, he completed a Post-Doctorate in Human and Social Sciences at the National University of Buenos Aires. His main areas of work are philosophical anthropology and metaphysics. He is the author of the books: Vientres que hablan. Ventriloquism and Subjectivity in Western History (La Plata: FaHCE, 2015); The Breathing of the Self. Apnea and Dreaming in Hegelian Philosophy (Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores, 2018); and The Optical Machine. Anthropology of the Phantom and (extra)ontology of the Imagination (Buenos Aires: Miño y Dávila Editores, 2019). He currently works as professor and researcher at the Faculty of Humanities and Education (National University of La Plata).

How to Cite

Prosperi, G. (2020). The anthropogenic trauma: Nightmares as theexperience of horror in a psycho-historicalperspective. Heterotopías, 3(6), 1-22.


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