The heinous movements of hate

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Martín De Mauro Rucovsky


Written in two languages and in differential registers, a piece of writing between languages and countries, Brazil and Argentina, Ódios políticos e política do ódio: lutas, gestos e escritos do presente is organized on the basis of a short prologue and two long essays.


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How to Cite
De Mauro Rucovsky, M. . (2020). The heinous movements of hate. Heterotopías, 3(5), 1-7.
Author Biography

Martín De Mauro Rucovsky, Centro de Investigaciones de la FFYH UNC - Instituto de Derechos Humanos - CONICET

Martin De Mauro Rucovsky has a PhD in philosophy from the UNC. He is a postdoctoral grant holder at CONICET with place of work at the Institute of Humanities (IDH). He was part of the National Front for the Gender Identity Law. He is the author of Bodies on Stage. Materiality and sexed body in Judith Butler and Paul B. Preciado (Madrid, Egales, 2016). He researches on post-feminism, affective turn, precarization processes, biopolitics and animality.

How to Cite

De Mauro Rucovsky, M. . (2020). The heinous movements of hate. Heterotopías, 3(5), 1-7.


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