Disenchantment narratives To think the limits of care policies

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Julia Crosa
emma song


From an English series available on the Netflix platform: After life (Gervais, 2019), which recounts the post-life of a husband after the death of his wife, the effect of cancer. They will see company -as an inevitable social bond- and care, intertwined in a differential way during the mourning process. For that, the mourning expels the protagonist to the limits of heterosexuality.

 Grief and disappointment unfold then, not only as affective atmospheres but as political forms from which to question ourselves. This narration will allow us to draw some questions about the construction of feminist care political agendas. In the present work, we intend to inquire about what makes these emotional policies possible. What has survived grief? What makes disappointment possible?

Our bet, from cuir theory and the affective turn, is to propose an opportunity to look-at-ourselves within a normative political articulation of affection and care that often become a conceptual corset.

In this sense, a heterosexual narrative of mourning will provide us with keys to think about our feminisms and problematize the policies around risk or danger and the warning, from the discomfort of the disappoinment that val flores (2019) proposes. How to imagine other care ethics that interrupt the risk metaphor? Is it possible to think of a cuir care ethic?

Article Details

How to Cite
Disenchantment narratives: To think the limits of care policies. (2020). Heterotopías, 3(5), 1-15. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/29043
Author Biographies

Julia Crosa, Centro de Investigaciones de la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

She is a Professor with a Licentiate’s degree on Psychology at the National University of Córdoba (UNC). Plainly and simply, she is a lesbian feminist sex poet. She currently participates in the research project Emotions, temporalities, images: towards a critique of the neoliberal sensibility, CIFFyH, FFyH, UNC.


emma song, Asentamiento Fernseh - CIFFYH, UNC

Pro-sex feminist, sexual dissent activist, trained in philosophy and performing arts, feminist epistemology and queer theory. She currently supports the space of production and political aesthetic reflection on sexual dissidence Fernseh Settlement and researches on affective politics.


How to Cite

Disenchantment narratives: To think the limits of care policies. (2020). Heterotopías, 3(5), 1-15. https://revistas.unc.edu.ar/index.php/heterotopias/article/view/29043


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