The instituent and the discursive practices: approach to the word infame. Discursive confrontation in the political sand between 1932 and 1938

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Candelaria Herrera


About Rozas, E. P. (2018). The infamous word. Discursive clashes in the political arena between 1932 and 1938. Córdoba: Advocatus.


What offers novel, within the field of critical studies on political discourse in Argentina, the proposal of the word infamous. Discursive clashes in the Argentine political arena between 1932 and 1938? Does it make sense to grant analytical value to a discursive practice that is not going to be resolved, effectively, in a comitic act? How to approach analytically the discursive practice of a collective agent, as is a political party? What is the role played by corporations in the orientation of government policies during the period 1932-1938? These are some of the questions that cross transversely The infamous word. Discursive confrontations in the Argentine political arena between 1932 and 1938, by the sociologist and Dr. in Social Sciences, Edgardo Pablo Rozas. This research work -published in Córdoba at the end of 2018 by the publisher Advocatus- acquires relevance with respect to previous studies about the period considered between 1932-1938 as a result of the way in which the plots of the exercise of the political in the context of Argentina in the 1930s, a context vitiated by electoral fraud as a daily exercise and, one might say, institutionalized by the State itself.

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How to Cite
The instituent and the discursive practices: approach to the word infame. Discursive confrontation in the political sand between 1932 and 1938. (2019). Heterotopías, 2(3).
Author Biography

Candelaria Herrera, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades

Estudiante avanzada de la Licenciatura en Letras Modernas en la Escuela de Letras, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, UNC. En proceso de elaboración de trabajo final de licenciatura, orientado a los estudios críticos del discurso político, titulado “Disputas discursivas a partir de la reconstrucción del caso Maldonado. Cambiemos y el viraje represivo en la doctrina de seguridad nacional”. Ayudante alumna en las cátedras de Sociología del Discurso y Teorías de los Discursos sociales II. Estudiante de intercambio en la Universidad de Guanajuato, México.

How to Cite

The instituent and the discursive practices: approach to the word infame. Discursive confrontation in the political sand between 1932 and 1938. (2019). Heterotopías, 2(3).


Rozas, E. P. (2018). La palabra infame. Enfrentamientos discursivos en la arena política entre 1932 y 1938. Córdoba: Advocatus.