Being and memory by Pierre levy, University of Montreal

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Pierre Lévy


The first challenge of this article is to relocate the object of the human sciences (culture and symbolic significance) in continuity with the objects of the natural sciences. I hypothesize that the meaning does not appear suddenly in humanity, but that different layers of coding and memory (quantum, atomic, genetic, nervous and symbolic) accumulate and become progressively more complex, with the symbolic layer being the most recent the "writing machines".


The second challenge of the text is to define the specificity and unity of the symbolic layer and, therefore, the field of human sciences. In contrast to a certain logocentric tradition, I propose that symbolism, while obviously including language, also encompasses other semiotics (such as cuisine or music) where the meaning / meaning rupture is not as relevant as for languages. The third challenge of this essay is to show that cultural forms and the interpretative faculties of humanity evolve with their writing machines. The emergence of digital, in particular, suggests a refinement of the human sciences and reaches the calculation of semantic complexity. This attempt to redefine the human sciences in continuity with the natural sciences presupposes an ontology, or a metaontology, in the words of Marcello Vitali-Rosati, for whom the notions of writing and memory are fundamental and which, in rupture with Kantian criticism, accept the full reality of spatiality and natural temporality.


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How to Cite
Lévy, P. (2019). Being and memory by Pierre levy, University of Montreal. Heterotopías, 2(3).
Author Biography

Pierre Lévy, Universidad de Otawa

Pierre Lévy (Tunisia, 1956) is a Tunisian writer, philosopher and professor and researcher in the French communication sciences. His work focuses on the field of ethics applied to information technologies. He theorized the notion of collective intelligence and tried to create a digital metalanguage, called IEML (Information Economy Meta Language). Pierre Lévy holds a Master's degree in the History of Science under the direction of Michel Serres at the La Sorbonne University (1980). He is also a doctor in sociology, received at the EHESS, directed by Cornelius Castoriadis. In 1991 he obtained an authorization to research on communication sciences (Stendhal University in Grenoble

How to Cite

Lévy, P. (2019). Being and memory by Pierre levy, University of Montreal. Heterotopías, 2(3).


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