Mortality due to external causes in the elderly. Trends in Argentina, 2000-2014

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Enrique Pelaez
Laura Acosta
Florencia Molinatti


The problem of elder abuse or negligent behavior towards them has led to it being addressed in different human rights instruments; among them the Montevideo Consensus on Population and Development and the Inter-American Convention on the Protection of the Human Rights of Older Persons.

Taking into account this legal framework, and as a first step to address the problem of mortality as a consequence of abuse or negligent behavior towards older people in our country, the objective of this study is to analyze trends in mortality from external causes in older people (60 years and over) in Argentina between 2000 and 2014.

Mortality rates from these causes (per 100,000 inhabitants) were calculated among people aged 60 years and over, by sex, adjusted for age by the direct method, using the standard population of the World Health Organization. To explore trends in age-standardized mortality rates from external causes, we will use Jointpoint regression models. Joinpoint analyzes are performed using the Joinpoint Regression Program v. 4.0.4 from the US National Cancer Institute.

The results of this study are expected to establish a first visibility of the problem of external causes of death in this population group.


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How to Cite
Pelaez, E., Acosta, L., & Molinatti, F. . (2021). Mortality due to external causes in the elderly. Trends in Argentina, 2000-2014. Astrolabio, (26), 182–201.


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