Money and Future in Times of Climate Change. A Sociological and Historical Approach to Kim Stanley Robinson´s The Ministry of the Future
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Seeking to contribute to current research on the future imagination, the article explores a scientific fiction text, The Ministry of the Future (2020), by Kim Stanley Robinson. This novel has two singularities: it begins in July 2024, so it narrates an imminent future, prolonging concrete possibilities of our present, and it proposes, based on existing academic articles, a currency —carboncoin— for the ecological transition. This makes the novel a speculative science fiction of strategy, a notion explored in the article to understand this way of imagining the future.
After presenting a series of sociological concepts for the study of money (with emphasis on Nigel Dodd’s concept of “social fiction”) and outlining a history of imagining the future of money, and arguing that, since 2008, we live in a conjuncture of currency transformation, the futurization of money present in the novel is analyzed. The characteristics and implications of the carboncoin, which rewards carbon capture, are explored, analyzing moments of its design and evolution in relation to banking institutions, the dollar, technologies and the dilemmas of its adoption.
By putting the plot of the novel into dialogue with historical phenomena, theoretical positions, political discourses, social and technological processes, we try to support the hypothesis that the way of imagining the future in a current science fiction novel, which speculates on the future of money in times of climate change, can offer new possibilities for the social sciences to think about the future.
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