The Socialist Women's International and the Origins of the International Working Women´s Day (1907-1917)

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Velia Sabrina Luparello
Emiliano Giorgis


This article analyzes the origin and objectives of the celebration of International Women's Day based on the study of North American and German socialists framed in the Socialist Women's International. The work focuses on discussions about the “woman question” and the fight for universal women's suffrage within the socialist parties of Germany and the United States, in particular about the relationship that socialists had to maintain with bourgeois feminist movements. Through qualitative documentary analysis, we will try to demonstrate that International Women's Day was an initiative of the Socialist Women's International, with great prominence of the German and American sections, as part of the fight for universal women's suffrage and to obtain better working and living conditions for workers. The commemoration of this date was articulated as an instance of agitation and propaganda of long-term political work that socialist women had been developing among working women since the end of the 19th century within the framework of the Second International.

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How to Cite
The Socialist Women’s International and the Origins of the International Working Women´s Day (1907-1917). (2025). Astrolabio, 34, 272-307.
Artículos de investigación
Author Biography

Velia Sabrina Luparello, Centro de Investigaciones sobre Cultura y Sociedad, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas y Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Doctora en Historia por la Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina

Miembro del Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre la Cultura y Sociedad (CIECS-CONICET-UNC). 

How to Cite

The Socialist Women’s International and the Origins of the International Working Women´s Day (1907-1917). (2025). Astrolabio, 34, 272-307.


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