The Fitness Dispositive in Postfeminist Healthism: Women Empowerment Discourses through Body Discipline

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Laura Albet Castillejo


The aim of this research is to analyze the new discourses around women’s bodies in the postfeminist context, paying special attention to the emerging “fit sensitivity”, which configures a new discursive node. I explore the tensions between the new feminist proclamations of women’s liberation and the persistence of patriarchal demands, in what seems to be resolved under the strategy of total alignment between one’s own desire and the desire of the system, through narratives of body care, self-love and personal development.

For this purpose, I work through three central concepts, namely “postfeminism” (Gill, 2007), “healthism” (Crawford, 1980) and “fitness dispositive” (Costa, 2010), which I relate to the figure of the “entrepreneur of the self” as theorized by Michel Foucault. All this will be exemplified in a paradigmatic publication of this type of discourse, Fitness emocional. Una potente herramienta de bienestar personal (2017), by Nessi Arauz.

This work seeks to delve into and expose the different power networks found in new postfeminist discourses of “empowered women”, which are imbued within healthism discourses and can be framed within the new psychological turn of neoliberal rationality.

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The Fitness Dispositive in Postfeminist Healthism: Women Empowerment Discourses through Body Discipline. (2023). Astrolabio, 31, 46-72.

How to Cite

The Fitness Dispositive in Postfeminist Healthism: Women Empowerment Discourses through Body Discipline. (2023). Astrolabio, 31, 46-72.


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