Time and Gender as Determinants of Poverty: An Analysis for the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina, in 2013

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Franco Ramseyer


This paper aims to calculate time poverty in the province of Santa Fe in the third quarter of 2013 based on the INDEC survey on unpaid work and time use, by means of the quantitative methodology proposed by Zacharías, Antonopoulos and Masterson (2012). Its specific objectives are, firstly, to estimate individual time poverty; secondly, to calculate time poverty according to the demographic structure of households and; thirdly, to analyze the results based on how paid and unpaid work is distributed according to sex. Among the paper’s results, it was found that women aged 18 or over spend more time than men on unpaid domestic and care work, while the opposite occurred with paid work. Regarding time poverty, it was observed that 20.2% of people aged 18 or over in the province of Santa Fe were time poor, 75.7% of which were women. Moreover, 40.4% of the households surveyed were time poor. Finally, it was found that of all the people aged 17 or younger in the province of Santa Fe, 80.6% belonged to a time poor household.

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How to Cite
Time and Gender as Determinants of Poverty: An Analysis for the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina, in 2013. (2024). Astrolabio, 32, 333-362. https://doi.org/10.55441/1668.7515.n32.36800
Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Time and Gender as Determinants of Poverty: An Analysis for the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina, in 2013. (2024). Astrolabio, 32, 333-362. https://doi.org/10.55441/1668.7515.n32.36800


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