Czech-mexican couples: the advantages of interculturality?

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Zuzana Erdosova
Rafael Juárez Toledo


In order to identify the perception of the intercultural advantage evidenced in the narration of facts, this study seeks to contribute in the understanding of the intercultural relationships in mixed family environments between individuals of different nationality. Through a study that has recovered the discourse of the members of eight Czech-Mexican couples, it is shown that the advantage perceived by them is stems from the acquisition of intercultural skills. The information collected has been organized through the evaluation of four elements that define the interculturality: power relations, intercultural communication, integration and cultural alterity. The main finding indicates that the context in which mixed Czech-Mexican couples have been made up is characterized by a balance in the negotiation of interest to form joint life goals. This advantage is materializes in the expansion of the opportunity to move between two countries, either to settle in the country of encounter, or to migrate to the country of the other. The trend shown has been biased towards the country of women.

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Czech-mexican couples: the advantages of interculturality?. (2022). Astrolabio, 29, 117-149.
Artículos de investigación

How to Cite

Czech-mexican couples: the advantages of interculturality?. (2022). Astrolabio, 29, 117-149.


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