Demographic transition and variations of the demographic componentes in the intercensal period 2001-2010 in Argentina. An analyses by built socioeconomic regions
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This article exposes the demographic transition process making a reference to the theoretical concepts that support it, to frame Argentina within the general context. Subsequently, the variations that occurred during the last intercensal period and a grouping of jurisdictions, which we have called regions. The method that was used is the Principal Component Analysis followed by a Cluster Analysis.
The behavior of the main demographic variables is particulary examined within the framework of specific transitions: mortality, fertility and mobility. The inequalities and the different stages through which these regions of the country pass through the transitional process are shown. For the long-term analysis, the gross mortality and fertility rates and the net migration rates are used, while for the analysis of the variations of the intercensal period, the Life Expectancy and the Years of Life Expectancy Lost Index are calculated and analyzed; as well as the Global Fertility Rate and Internal and International Migration Balances.
The core of the regionalization carried out in the work implies an effort to recover fundamentals of the theoretical contributions to the concept of region and emulate a resource that allows analyzing differences and similarities between these territorial cuts, to help in the process of modeling and understanding basically unequal realities. This shows the need for different strategies to face the particularities of each one and thus be able to mitigate them.
In general terms and in the framework of the demographic transition process, the country is in an advanced transition stage, with low mortality and fertility rates and in a mobility phase of the fourth stage according to Zelinsky's characterization. Inland, and according to the proposed regions (although with different levels of mortality and fertility) the gross mortality rate shows a kind of “amounting” accompanied by birth rates that mark the guideline of natural growth and tend to decline in the regions more lagging behind.
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