Brazilean diplomacy and the climate change gobernance. Brazil proposals in Kyoto and Paris (1997-2015)
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Brazil is one of the main emitters of greenhouse gases and one of the most active countries in the multilateral climate negotiations in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Based on the recognition of the general conditions of the international climate governance and of the specific contexts of the State paradigms in Brazil, the objective of this research is to analyze comparatively and diachronically the position assumed by Brazil, as a non-Annex I of the Convention, at two specific times of the negotiations. These are the negotiations of the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. In both instances, the debate around the differentiation of the parties' responsibilities is considered as a distinctive aspect of Brazilian participation in these international governance processes. The key concepts used include the diplomatic accumulation and the contexts of State models in Brazil. In methodological terms, the contribution has a qualitative design and appeals to the construction of a focused and structured comparison based on a diachronic analysis that considers the contextual elements.
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