Localizing 1968: circulation, temporality, and intersections of a moment wich is and is not ours

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Mauro Pasqualini


1968 was an intense moment of protests, activism and rebellion, mainly elicited by youth and student discontent. This article explores classic and recent bibliography (historiographic works, older intervention pieces, polemic reflections on the memory of 1968) with the goal of identifying three thematic axes: global interchanges; the complex and heterogeneous temporality of 1968; and the intersections of cultural and political dynamics. The article claims that these topics can open productive possibilities for future research.

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Artículos de investigación

Author Biography

Mauro Pasqualini, Cis-IDES-Conicet

Investigador Asistente Conicet

Profesor Unsam

How to Cite

Localizing 1968: circulation, temporality, and intersections of a moment wich is and is not ours. (2020). Astrolabio, 24, 125-155. https://doi.org/10.55441/1668.7515.n24.21445