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This article analyzes in different dimensions the interpretation processes on public security news and, in order to achieve that aim, the following objectives are proposed. Firstly, to discuss the foundations of the concepts of audience and public in Communications Research. Secondly, to investigate in different dimensions the process of reception and circulation of crime media representations such as the so-called "waves of insecurity", news credibility, and the impact of repetition of the same information on media consumers. Based on a qualitative study with in-depth interviews to subjects living in two neighborhoods of Buenos Aires characterized by a high perception of crime, and the use of audiovisual triggers (news of insecurity), this article questions the perspectives that tend to simplify the social influence of the media at generating social fears. Instead, the apprehension of different structures of meaning is proposed, going beyond the media in order to observe the fundamental role of experience and interpersonal communication in the processes of consolidation of certain beliefs and behaviors related to insecurity.
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