Interview with a representative of the Peasant Movement, participant of one of the panels on Human Rights

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Graciela Biber


From the interview with the representative of the Peasant Movements, it is summarized that the main rights that are defended are: "the right to land, to the countryside, the right to production, of course that life in the countryside is dignified, then we must also include the right to water, to electricity in daily life, also for cultural formation, for example, to be able to have a screen, a canyon where to project movies. There is something that has been given strongly this year: the right to have passable roads and not roadblocks due to rain (mud) or lack of rain (guadales) in any of these situations several of the roads that communicate the peasant communities with the towns and cities become impassable, of course the right to work, to education, to health in a framework of dignity of the person and cultural respect.


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