Analysis of a silicified wood quarry at the Southern end of the Deseado Massif (Patagonia, Argentina)
Hunter-gatherers, Lithic technology, Quarry, Silicified wood, PatagoniaAbstract
The Deseado Massif is a geological district that presents a high availability of excellent knapping quality raw materials. In our study area, at the Southern end of the Massif, the Baqueró and Bajo Grande Formations, present primary and secondary sources of silicified wood, but with a limited distribution and poor visibility. Several studies in the area showed the existence of variability with respect to the macroscopic characteristics, degree of silicification and location of the silicified woods. The first evidence of the use of this raw material is recorded around 8000 B.P., in a space where it is immediately available, although the first human occupations of the area date from the PleistoceneHolocene transition. This paper presents the analysis of one of these primary sources with the aim of evaluating if the particular characteristics of this raw material conditioned in some way its use by the hunter-gatherer groups.
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