Rock art and volcanology: input for a relative chronology of Las Papas engravings (dpto. Tinogasta, Catamarca)
rock engravings, volcanology, bioarchaeology, Relative chronology, Fiambalá regionAbstract
Las Papas ravine was silted by pyroclastic flows the last eruption of the Cerro Blanco Volcanic Complex (ca.4200 years BP), located in the Cordillera de San Buenaventura (4000 masl). Three sets of engraved rocks are located near the town of Las Papas at 2700 masl and about 20 km south of the focus of eruption. In 23 blocks were identified 184 images with broad domain of non-figurative motifs. Since they have both light and dark patinas, it was not possible to establish an exclusive partnership between one category of motif and a kind of patina. This work presents a first model of volumetric calculations to estimate the rate of incision depending on the erosion of pyroclastic material of Las Papas ravine over 4200 years. To do this, we articulate field work, analysis of satellite images, modeling and development of the contour lines of paleo-topography immediately after the eruption, and dating of a burial excavated in a terrace of Las Papas river. We evaluate when each block was available for visual intervention, depending on their spatial location and altitude to estimate a relative chronology for the engraved media. In this way it was possible to estimate a relative chronology for the engraved blocks and to establish that they were available for their visual intervention from 900-1000 B.C. In addition, the analysis of the differences of patina and the comparison with the regional register suggests that the production of the engravings was discontinuous in time and that a set of non-figurative images are the ancient ones.Downloads
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